(+265)-212-960-447 info@nawolg.org

About US


Get to know more about the history, structure & composition of our organization and how we execute our day to day operations


NAWOLG came into being in 1996 with the idea of a gallant human rights fighter/activist Mrs Faustace Chirwa with the support of 25 members representing all the sectors of the economy. The Organization cropped up after discovering that Malawi, women who are a majority of adult population (51.8% according to) were poorly represented in decision-making positions, at an average of approximately 9%. The NAWOLG’s establishment is with the acknowledgement that every human being in society is entitled to enjoy human rights and have them protected by law. As for membership, it is open to all women, girls and gender sensitive men committed to fighting for the gender inequality manifested in the Malawian society. The main beneficiaries of our Organization are women and girls especially in the underserved communities.

NAWOLG over the years has had extensive grassroots experience reaching over 1 million communities. We have undertaken successful projects that involve participation of excluded and marginalized poor groups in community development; elections and electoral processes; the 50:50 campaigns; training of women aspiring candidates; training women MPs; trained and deployed community volunteers in both targeted areas. NAWOLG currently works with district structures volunteers (male and female) who are trained area civic educators and are vital components in the project structures who link with the district coordinators. NAWOLG has a local and National presence. In 2009 elections, NAWOLG contributed highly in sending 7 women to parliament in our direct impact areas and all 43 in total during our national campaign of 50/50 as NGOGCN. In addition, NAWOLG brought change in attitude and behaviors of communities towards women and girls in leadership; increased number of women taking up community leadership positions i.e., area development committees, local government, churches, school committees; trained confidence women speaking in public forums etc.

NAWOLG trained communities who had no prior knowledge on how to hold local governments and elected leaders to be accountable. NAWOLG set up women’s listeners clubs in 4 districts and young women’s clubs in 3 districts to empower them to take up leadership positions and promote women’s rights. In addition, the women’s clubs conduct different initiatives that include humanitarian work and income generating activities that have empowered them economically leading to investments in education for their children especially the girl child; affording basic needs; starting small scale businesses through village saving loans (popularly known as village vessels/banks).


The National Women’s Lobby Group (NAWOLG) is a registered Not-for-Profit making Non-Governmental Organization which came into being in 1996, and was registered under the Trustees Incorporation Act in 1997. NAWOLG is working on Women’s Rights issues and empowerment with a goal to contribute towards attainment of sustained Gender equity and equality in Malawi. Gender Equality and women’s rights are on par with other global imperatives such as ending hunger and poverty among other things. In July 2010, saw the creation of UN Women that forms the entity for Gender Equality and the empowerment of women.

Composition of the Board of Trustees at NAWOLG

Millicka Jumbe

Millicka Jumbe


Ian Nankhuni

Ian Nankhuni


Olive Mwenifumbo

Olive Mwenifumbo


Lyness Manduwa

Lyness Manduwa


Faustace Chirwa

Faustace Chirwa


In terms of NAWOLG Deed of Trust, trustees are required to meet at least twice a year.  The current board position caters for 60% women/40% men on gender equality and management of 50/50 as long as it is headed by a woman.


Women's Development

To highlight and give concrete recognition to the important roles that women and girls play in National development

Gender Equality

To work towards greater equality, equity and the removal of all negative cultural and legal barriers which impede the advancement of women and girls

Evidence Based Advocacy & Strategy

To develop action-oriented & result-based strategies & mobilize women and girls to take steps that will help them change their socio-economic, political and legal position in Malawi.


Governance & Policy

To assess and identify discriminatory laws, behaviors and attitudes against women and girl child through consultation and research

 Meeting with the women’s caucus on law reform

Club members showing produce from their farming in Chitipa

Our Vision

NAWOLG’s vision is  for a transformed Malawian society in which women, men, girls and boys participate equitably and equally.

Our Mission

To transform the socio-economic and political status of Malawian women and girls with a view to narrowing the gender inequalities in all sectors of the economy using rights-based approaches through advocacy and lobbying, capacity building, public education and awareness raising.

Our Awesome Team

Atupele Wirima


Alice Musukwa


Jonathan Kasekera


Diaz Sichinga


Madalitso Mononga


Baleke Katyetye


Our Aims

NAWOLG was particularly formed with the aim to:

Inform Women

Inform women that they have Human Rights and are entitled  to enjoy them

Expose Violations

Expose and combat rights violations that are based on sex & Gender

Practice Rights

Shape a new Human Rights practice that fully addresses the Human Rights of a woman

SupPort Our Efforts

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